Accredited Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses By Eureka Services PLC
Infection Prevention and Patient Safety course
Timeline: April 1-30/2022
Adolescent & Youth Friendly Reproductive Health Services
Timeline: July 1-30/2022
Sign Language Training
Timeline: October 1-30/2022
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)
Timeline: TDB
National comprehensive training on standards of Nursing practice
Timeline: TDB
Palliative care services
Timeline: TDB
Basic COIVD-19 Prevention and Management Training for Health Care Providers
Timeline: TDB
Anti-microbial resistance prevention and containment for health professionals
Timeline: May 1-30/2022
Good Manufacturing Practices
Timeline: August1-30/2022
Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC)
Timeline: TBD
Essential New Born Care
Timeline: TBD
Human resource for health management
Timeline: TBD
Poison and drug overdose management training course for health care professionals
Timeline: TBD
Nutrition Through the Life Cycle
Timeline: June 1-30/2022
Health Promotion and Wellness
Timeline: September 1-30/2022
Facilitation skill course
Timeline: TBD
Family Planning
Timeline: TBD
Pain management
Timeline: TBD
National Comprehensive PMTCT/MNCH Integrated Training
Timeline: TBD